Exclusive to AllÓRA, our Lavender Flowers hand-blown Murano Glass Jug features beautiful crystal clear Murano glass, complete with a lovely lavender pattern and green glass leaf-shaped handle. The handle reflects subtle veins replicating the look of real leaves, while the green lip of the jug creates the same effect.
Expertly crafted by the dedicated hands of the Italian artisan house, Vetrofuso by Daniela Poletti, each jug is carefully hand-blown, making no two pieces exactly the same. Made using ancient art forms combined with contemporary influences and aesthetics, this is the perfect piece to add a touch of Italian character to your home, while benefiting from modern design.
The jug is ideal for serving drinks to guests, indoors or out, but also looks beautiful displayed in the kitchen or dining room.
Combining ancient glass art with modern taste and creativity, and with tireless research and experimentation, Vetrofuso by Daniela Poletti craft truly unique creations, with new colourings and use of new materials – both precious and recycled. It is the perfect synthesis of the traditional and the contemporary, the art and the craft, the idea and the technique.
Variations in finish or appearance are not considered imperfections, but are the mark of a unique handmade item.
Discover the passion that Vetrofuso by Daniela Poletti invest in every one of their creations.